On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:29 AM, DM <dm.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there any standards for installing postgres in a certain directory? or
> What is the standard installation path to install postgres.
> If I have to run two different versions of postgres on the same machine, how
> should I install postgres? What is the standards for this?
> By using RPM it always defaults to -- /usr/local/pgsql/, Is there an RPM
> that i can use where i can specify my installation directory path?

This is very OS and personal preferences dependent.  Under debian /
ubuntu, multiple versions are natively supported and automagically go
in different directories.

With RPM based OSes you either get to rebuild rpms from your own specs
to use different directories, or install from source.  There might be
other ways of doing it, but there's no "standard way" of installing
multiple versions on RH etc. that I know of.

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