Re: [GENERAL] [postgis-users] point_ops with GiST PostGIS Spatial Index

2013-06-05 Thread BladeOfLight16
Pardon my lack of specificity. I'm familiar with spatial indexes and at least somewhat familiar with ST_Contains and its internal bounding box check. Maybe it would help to clarify why I found this point_ops operator class so interesting. Currently, my queries are often getting bad estimates for th

Re: [GENERAL] [postgis-users] point_ops with GiST PostGIS Spatial Index

2013-06-05 Thread Tambade, Kedar
Create the gist index on table containing points using the following syntax: CREATE INDEX ON USING GIST (); After the index is created use the criteria st_contains(polygon,point) in the where clause of select statement: Select * from where st_contains(polygon, point) ; Regards, Kedar Tamb