On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 12:47:17PM -0700, Scott Gritton wrote:
> I've been reading through the lists but have not been able to find any
> information about how to take a Filemaker Pro database and convert it into a
> Postgresql database.
> Does anyone have any information on how to do this type of conversion?

        We did it by having a webmaster write a Frontier script to generate a
report formatted thusly:

INSERT INTO rawbugs (....) VALUES (...)

(where there is a fieldlist and data in the (), of course)

        ...then I just use pgsql -f <filename> to slurp it in, and spent an
afternoon dealing with the breakage (we had some greater-then-8k tuples
that I had to sort out).

        Other options, as people have mentioned, would be ODBC, but we found
that this worked better.  And that FileMaker sucks.

Adam Haberlach            |
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       | http://youlook.org
http://www.newsnipple.com |
'88 EX500    '00 >^<      |

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