Sorry about that, submitted it to early.
Here goes again:

Recently I started to move from MySQL to PostgreSQL.When I had it set up on
windows, I enabled ssl and everything worked like a charm.
My pg_hba.conf looks like this:
hostssl   all                 postgres    md5
hostssl   ticketsystem  ticketsystem   md5
hostssl   faq                 faq           md5
hostssl   all                  postgres          ::1/128           md5
hostssl   ticketsystem  ticketsystem    ::1/128           md5
hostssl   faq                 faq                  ::1/128           md5

If I access the database to which the user has access, no problem, If I use
the user faq to connecto to ticketsystem I'd exect an access denied of some
sort, instead I get:
could not receive data from server: Unknown socket error (0x00000002/2)
Previous connection kept

Is this due to the SSL connection, or is it related to some other error
And is it 'fixable'
I already searched the mailing list and google, but to no avail.

Thanks in advance

Serge Fonville

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