I can't mail it to: postgis-us...@postgis.refractions.net so could administrator forword this mail to them? thanks!
From: sunpeng <blueva...@gmail.com> Date: 2010/9/12 Subject: how to write the sql if i want to find a geometry's d-distance neighbors? To: postgis-us...@postgis.refractions.net Hi, I've the following table,and has created the index on uid and location; CREATE TABLE points ( location geometry, //assume it's a 2-dimension point uid integer ) Now, I've a point P with uid= 12345, and want to find the neighbors which are within 20, how to write the sql?Is this right? select st_astext(location) from points a, points b where b.rid = 12345 and ST_DWithin(a.the_geom, b.the_geom, 20) or use st_buffer? which one is more efficient ? Thanks!