Dear fellow PostgreSQL users,

we are happy to announce the release of GNUmed 0.2 "Librarian".

GNUmed is an electronic medical record which uses PostgreSQL
for its backend.

Some of the new features since the last release:

- server can be installed on MS/Windows, too

Courtesy of PostgreSQL now running natively on Windows :-)

- a complete document management system
  - importing documents from files
  - scanning in documents
  - handling of review status
  - handling of clinical relevance
  - taking patient pictures with a webcam
  - completely integrated with the clinical
    structure of the medical record

Courtesy of PostgreSQL's bytea support.

The advanced structured electronic medical record has
improved upon its existing robustness and offers:

- grouping of health data by
  - underlying health issue
  - episodes of activity of health issue
  - doctor-patient encounter
- structuring of progress notes into
  - Subjective
  - Objective
  - Assessment
  - Plan

Courtesy of PostgreSQL's robust support for foreign keys,
constraints, inherited tables, stored procedures etc.

Packages are here:

  Debian packages will be available in a few days time
  (in testing).

Find more documentation here:

Thanks for a dependable ORDBMS.

Karsten Hilbert, MD
GNUmed developer
GPG key ID E4071346 @
E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD  4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346

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