On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 02:28:29PM +0530, Masood Rezvi wrote:
> We are a firm of web developers in Lucknow, India. We are new
> to PGSQL but have this database on the webserver (Apache
> running on Linux Red Hat). We need help on learning PGSQL
> information on tutorials and also to know whether it is
> available for download. Please help.

if postgresql came without psql as a front-end, i'd venture to
say something got borked during your download. (of course, being
a debian user i'm a bit pampered when it comes to things "working
out of the box"...)



and see if it's in your command line. if not, try

        locate psql


        find / -name psql -print

probably the most trouble you'll have, once you can communicate
with the postmaster backend server, is in your first connection.

        $ su
        # su postgres
        $ psql

it comes set up to allow user 'postgres' to connect; so once you
connect as postgres, you can set up other users, so you can
connect directly. (clear as mud, right? maybe another iteration
and someone else will help straighten this out.)

also see the documentation in the user lounge at postgresql.org !

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