
The following is the procedure to calculate the disk space occupied by
postgresql from a flat file.


In this I didn't understood some terms  

   24 bytes: each row header (approximate)
    24 bytes: one int field and one text field
   + 4 bytes: pointer on page to tuple
what is that first 24 bytes and last 4 bytes represents?

I did practically but for a  table with two integer columns it
takes 185 rows for a page size of 8192 for 186th it changes to
16384.But when I applied this procedure.......


     8 bytes: each row header

     8 bytes : two int fields      

   + 4 bytes: pointer on page to tuple    

  total 20 bytes

  8192/20 =410 rows per page (approx.) 

     Can you please tell me how to caluculate number of rows per page size.

Thank You,




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