I have a trigger using a update but this doestn work into trigger but if I execute the update from pgadmin this works perfectely.

This is the code
select into registro * from t_pagos_comisiones where f_wholetipoagnivel = who and f_fecha = $4 for update;
IF ($5 >0) THEN
t1:= registro.f_montopagado+$7;
t2:= registro.f_montocomision+$5;
raise notice '' hacer el update t1 y t2 %, %'',t1,t2; --f_montocomision=t2
UPDATE t_pagos_comisiones SET f_montopagado=t1,f_montocomision=t2,f_nivel=90 where f_wholetipoagnivel = who and f_fecha = vfecha;
end if;
end if;

*-Edwin Quijada
*-Developer DataBase
*-JQ Microsistemas
* " Si deseas lograr cosas excepcionales debes de hacer cosas fuera de lo comun"

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