
I have a problem when doing drop table within a transaction:

It seems that if you execute a drop table sentence but after the
transaction is aborted because an error occurs, the result is a
corruption of the database: the drop table sentence deletes the physical
files corresponding to the table, but as transaction is aborted the
table is not deleted from the database definition.

So then you cannot recreate the table (baclkend says it alredy exists),
you cannot drop the table (it says it doesn't find the physical file),

(Anyway, it is not very critical : i'm not droping table each hour and i
can do it in its own atomic transaction).

Beyond that i would want to know if there is available information about
the database definiton in postgresql: where the table is defined, how to
'fix' manually some problems (for instance, the one i have explained


Gabi :-)

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