Hello! I have a table with image data:

/CREATE TABLE images//
//    id serial,//
//    image_data bytea,//
//    ...//

This is function for store image data to file:

/CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION write_bytea ( p_data bytea, p_filename text )//
//RETURNS void AS//
//    v_oid oid;//
//    v_fdesc integer := 0;//
//    v_fsize integer := 0;//
//    v_oid := lo_create ( -1 );//
//    v_fdesc := lo_open ( v_oid, CAST ( X'00020000' AS integer ) );//
//    v_fsize := lowrite ( v_fdesc, p_data );//
//    PERFORM lo_export ( v_oid, p_filename );//
//    PERFORM lo_close ( v_fdesc );//
//    PERFORM lo_unlink ( v_oid );//

Query for saving image:

/SELECT write_bytea ( i.image_data, id::text || '.jpg' )//
//FROM images i;/

My problem: first 30-40 images (~75 KB for one image) save fast but saving speed of nextimages slows down and slows down. What is wrong?

P.S. I try use it in pgAdmin and in psql, but problem doesn't disappear.

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