I am unable to install postgresql on a Windows XP machine and am wondering if 
anyone has struck this problem or might have an idea how to solve it.

This is a clean install, I've never installed postgresql on the is machine 
before, I have successfully installed it on another machine which is a Windows 
Server 2008 x64, but whenever I try to install it in the Windows XP (32) laptop 
I get the following error after entering the superuser/service password:

The password specified does not meet the local or domain policy. Check the 
minimum length, password complexity and password history requirements.

I've tried many combinations of passwords such as p05gr35ql.

My password policy is as follows:

Enforce history:                3 passwords
Maximum age:                  42 days
Minimum age:                   0 days
Minimum length:             6 characters
Password must meet complexity requirements: disabled
Store password using reversible encryption: disabled

Thanks for your help.

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