I have been trying to get a colleague to update a database on my server using a form I sent him for MS Access. The form was developed using Access'97 and seems to work just fine on my PC. I just emailed the .mdb file. Everything worked well for the first couple of iterations of the form. I added a couple more fields and posted it again. Now, when he tries to use it, he has Access2000, he gets an error saying that "Someone else is modifying the record that he is trying to save". Only there isn't. I have checked on the server and other than his session there is nothing else, also it works for me. Is there some incompatibility between Access'2000, ODBC and Posgresql 6.5.3 ? Is there a tweak in ODBC I haven't applied ? Any help would be much appreciated, the alternative is my having to develop a web interface for this database and I'd rather not do that. Thanks.