Thanks for the responses!

I have selected psycopg based on:

        - your recommendations (though massively parallel connections
                aren't currently likely in my environment

        - my success in building the target (with kudos & props to their
                install documentation)

        - my ability to pronounce its name ;)

Now back to the schema ...


On Oct 6, 2004, at 9:13 PM, Scott Frankel wrote:

I'd like to know if anyone has recommendations for which Python DB-API 2.0
interface to use with PostGreSQL-7.4.5.

The database and tools to interact with it will be hosted on a MacOS 10.3.x machine.
The db schema represents a small production studio environment with only a handful
of users. db connection will be intermittent.


Anything I should consider?

Thanks in advance!

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