Let's assume there's a table dem.address

        CREATE TABLE address (
            id integer NOT NULL,
            id_street integer NOT NULL,
            aux_street text,
            number text NOT NULL,
            subunit text,
            addendum text,
            lat_lon point
        INHERITS (audit.audit_fields);

        (the INHERITS part is not relevant here)

Given the following pg_dump invocation

        pg_dump --inserts --data-only -d ... -U ... -t dem.address

we will get a dump like:

        -- PostgreSQL database dump

        SET statement_timeout = 0;
        SET lock_timeout = 0;
        SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
        SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
        SET check_function_bodies = false;
        SET client_min_messages = warning;

        SET search_path = dem, pg_catalog;

        -- Data for Name: address; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: dem; Owner: gm-dbo

        INSERT INTO address VALUES (12638, 0, '2013-11-19 13:51:03.641023+00', 
'gm-dbo', 1, 10, NULL, '117', NULL, NULL, NULL);
        INSERT INTO address VALUES (12641, 1, '2013-11-19 13:51:03.690905+00', 
'gm-dbo', 2, 11, NULL, '31', NULL, 'typically in Space', NULL);
        INSERT INTO address VALUES (12646, 0, '2013-11-19 13:51:05.651142+00', 
'gm-dbo', 3, 12, NULL, '65', 'Parterre', NULL, NULL);

        -- Name: address_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: dem; Owner: gm-dbo

        SELECT pg_catalog.setval('address_id_seq', 3, true);

        -- PostgreSQL database dump complete

The man page says:

                Dump data as INSERT commands (rather than COPY). This
                will make restoration very slow; it is mainly useful
                for making dumps that can be loaded into non-PostgreSQL 

Given the "loaded into non-PostgreSQL databases" part I
wonder whether pg_dump --verbose might add a commented out
line listing the column order (say, above the INSERTS):

        -- (pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_street, 
aux_street, number, subunit, addendum, lat_lon)
        INSERT INTO address VALUES (12638, 0, '2013-11-19 13:51:03.641023+00', 
'gm-dbo', 1, 10, NULL, '117', NULL, NULL, NULL);
        INSERT INTO address VALUES (12641, 1, '2013-11-19 13:51:03.690905+00', 
'gm-dbo', 2, 11, NULL, '31', NULL, 'typically in Space', NULL);
        INSERT INTO address VALUES (12646, 0, '2013-11-19 13:51:05.651142+00', 
'gm-dbo', 3, 12, NULL, '65', 'Parterre', NULL, NULL);

        (don't worry about the actual columns they are not
        relevant, some may also not seem very normalized)

or even show the *first* line for each table as if it was run
with --column-inserts ?

That would help not having to refer back to some other means
of schema discovery when trying to load such dumps into
another database.

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