On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 20:02:16 +0530
Gaini Rajeshwar <raja.rajeshwar2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > inputquery := setweight(cfg, inputtitle, 'A', '&');
> > inputquery := inputquery && setweight(cfg, inputsummary, 'B',
> > '&');

> I didn't understand why did u use '&'  operator in setweight
> function. is that going to help in any way?

I don't understand it either...
I just copied and pasted from a working function I wrote long ago.

select setweight('pg_catalog.english', 'java', 'A', '&');

I can't remember what was the meaning of that '&' and I can't find
the docs.

Could someone point me to a more detailed doc that explain in more
details setweight?


Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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