
Is there a way to check how many records where affected by a delete or update sentence in a trigger function ??



On 10/6/06, Hugo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
OK, thanks, I'm porting a lot of sybase storedprocedures, and there are lots of "if sqlstate.." statements that i need to translate to pgpsql, obviously I cannot use the SQLSTATE pseudo variable directly in my fuctions, according to the documentation i can be used in a exception block but couldn't find any examples, could you point me to some document or give some advice on how  i could use sqlstate pseudo variable?

thanks again


On 10/6/06, Tom Lane < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hugo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi again, thanks for your guidance, this is the error I got trying to save
> my fuction:
> ERROR:  unrecognized exception condition "no_data"
> CONTEXT:  compile of PL/pgSQL function "fn_verificar_aportes_socio" near
> line 36

NO_DATA isn't an error condition, only a warning, thus there is no case
in which an exception block would trap it.  So plpgsql doesn't bother to
recognize it.

                        regards, tom lane

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