> Agreed, depending on how hosts and dns are set, it can be useless.
> But normally, companies have host making standards to avoid that.
BTW you already have it :
select setting from pg_settings where name = 'listen_addresses'
No ?
Generally speaking, when executing UNION ; a DISTINCT is run afterward on the
So, if you're sure that each part of UNION cannot return a line returned by
another one, you may use UNION ALL, you'll cut the cost of the final implicit
- Mail original -
De: "Mark Past
>Seems some basic mistake I think it should as below
>(*param_types)[i] = exprType(param_expr);
>After this it works
Seems to work fine from my side.
Thank you very much, it'd painful for me to find the bug, I've been too far
away from C coding for a too long time :-(
>When gdb will be active, then use command c, and then run query in session.
>gdb should to catch segfault.
Thank you very much. It's been helpfull.
BTW behaviour is strange. When I'm executing following, I do have always a SEGV
psql (11.1)
Type "help" for help.
herve=# CREATE OR R
I do have a reproductible crash with mysql_fdw when executing a plpgsql
function. I'm running pg 11.1 with current mysql_fdw, but I had the same crash
with the pg 9.6 and mysql_fdw provided with ubuntu packages.
>From psql side :
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This proba