Per src/tools/RELEASE_CHANGES, we still have some routine
tasks to finish before beta1:

* Run mechanical code beautification tools:
  pgindent, pgperltidy, and "make reformat-dat-files"
  (complete steps from src/tools/pgindent/README)

* Renumber any manually-assigned OIDs between 8000 and 9999
  to lower numbers, using (see notes in bki.sgml)

(Although I expect the pgindent changes to be minimal, there will
be some since src/tools/pgindent/typedefs.list hasn't been
maintained entirely accurately.)

I've been holding off doing this so as not to joggle the elbows
of people trying to complete open items or revert failed patches,
but it's getting to be time.  Any objections to doing these
things on Tuesday May 14th?

                        regards, tom lane

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