I am a programmer who works on a couple of products that use PostgreSQL as their backend (http://www.nopali.com, http://www.iwanttops.com). Both my clients need to receive notifications when rows in the database change. Thus far, we've been rolling our own because LISTEN/NOTIFY doesn't do what we need.

What we need is on the TODO list:
- Add optional textual message to NOTIFY: This would allow an informational message to be added to the notify message, perhaps indicating the row modified or other custom information.

I want to help get this done for 8.1, but lack the deep understanding necessary. Is there someone on this list that I can beg/bribe to make this happen? I would be delighted to do stress-testing and benchmarking on the resulting code.

(Incidentally, there are two related TODO items you might want to take care of while you are in there:
- Allow NOTIFY in rules involving conditionals
- Allow LISTEN/NOTIFY to store info in memory rather than tables? Currently LISTEN/NOTIFY information is stored in pg_listener. Storing such information in memory would improve performance.)

Regardless, thank you for all the great work that you have been doing; PostgreSQL has made my life a better place.

Aaron Hillegass
Big Nerd Ranch, Inc.

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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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