Hi everybody,
 I'm a hookie in this discussion list. Well, my intent is to get some informations 
PostgreSQL internals to work on a project. There is an excellent GPL'ed tool to work 
with Oracle
called TOra. It is as good as TOAD and SQL Navigator from Quest Software. As a meaning 
collaborate with the Open Source world i was thinking in port TOra to PostgreSQL. So, 
we'll have a
great database and a great tool to manage it. 
 Problem is: reading PostgreSQL documentation i didn't find any information about 
system tables
having runtime informations as Oracle has. And one of the great features of TOra is the
possibility to see in charts, in real-time, all kind of I/O operations, memory usage, 
being executed, etc...
 If i didn't make myself clear, please point your browser to 
and see what i am suggesting to adapt to PostgreSQL.
 I hope i did not disturb anybody here.
 And, keep doing your great job. We are in debt with you guys!

Best regards,


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