Hi all
Small  intrusion in the Threads discussion

1) don' t  forget other OS .. the linux is not the only one (for now :-)
      For example check the performance under Solaris

2) unfortunatly some platforms that had no threads (but is a few) or an
incompatible threads library (the major .. )

On the informix doc i read :
To most effectively utilize system resources, a configurable pool of
                         database server processes called virtual
processors schedule and manage
                         user requests across multiple CPUs and disks.
User requests are
                         represented by lightweight mechanisms called
threads. Each thread
                         consists of a single sequential flow of control

that represents part of a
                         discrete task within a database server process.

For example, a
                         processing-intensive request such as a
multi-table join can be divided into
                         multiple database threads (subtasks) and spread

across all the available
                         virtual processors in the system.

Could be intresting:
  One process for connection client  ,but composed with many threads
   (similar to apache 2.0)

 - No crash all the system
 - Better performance in sql execution (i hope)

I think will be the way  for the future (Postgresql 8.0 ? ) ,  i know is

not simple

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