Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] add option to pg_dumpall to exclude tables from the dump

2016-09-06 Thread Gerdan Rezende dos Santos > After review, I realized that there is a call to the function: doShellQuoting (pgdumpopts, OPTARG), which no longer seems to exist ... After understand the code, I saw that the call is appendShellString ( pgdumpopts, OPTARG). Follow the patches already with the ne

Re: [HACKERS] \timing interval

2016-08-25 Thread Gerdan Rezende dos Santos
- ISO 8601 isn't much of a help as it doesn't handle milliseconds > - additional config variable > - documentation changes > - debate about what the default should be. GOTO 1. > > I personally would be happy with any of these options, so I think we get > some more feedback to see if a consensus emerges. It's a tiny patch and > trivial to test, so we have time(ing) on our side. > > -- *Gerdan Rezende dos Santos * *Po*stgreSQL & EnterpriseDB Specialist, Support, Training & Services +55 (61) 9645-1525