Title: Message
We are attempting to setup a database application on a Linux box, but we are having
problems loading data with particular dates.
My colleague, Arnold Mavromatis has already made postings to the pgsql-bugs list,
but we are still no closer to having the bug fixed, so I thought I'd email you guys in the
hope we might get the ball rolling on this issue.
We have tested the following configurations:
Linux 2.4.20, PG 7.3.2 (this is the box where we wish to run our application)
HP-UX 11.11, PG 7.3.2, 7.3.4, 7.4  (this is just a test box where PG installs take less time)
On all of these configurations the the date '1901/12/14' apparently does not exist.  For example,
using PG 7.4 on HP-UX 11.11:
shower 40: /adamdb/postgres/pg_admin/pgsql_7.4/bin/psql -d db74 -U tcz
Welcome to psql 7.4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help on internal slash commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit
db74=> select cast(timestamptz '1901/12/14' as date);
(1 row)
db74=> select cast(timestamptz '1901/12/13' as date);
(1 row)
db74=> select cast(timestamptz '1901/12/15' as date);
(1 row)
db74=> \q
shower 41:
I can give you other examples, but these have already been posted to the pgsql-bugs list by Arnold.
We understand that this problem is related to the timezone and only affects users in our part of the world
(Melbourne, Australia).  Is this correct?
If you could shed any light on this and give us some indication of whether or not this big can be fixed,
and/or when it can be fixed it would be of great interest to us.
Mike Macaskill


Mike Macaskill

NCC Computing Support

Tel 9669 4265 Fax 9669 4760




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