I\'m currently searching for a topic related to PostgreSQL for a student research 
i have to write this semester. 
Since i really would like to write this in a PostgreSQL  context and there are 
many ongoing projects here on -hackers, i wonder if somebody has a topic 
of kind \"that needs to be done\" and \"can be done in a student research project\". 
Perhaps there are some open issues in PITR, replication, XML or others....

The student research project has a duration of 3-4 month and is supervised by a 
professor from my university. 

A short brief of me:
I am studying in the 7th semester information technology in Aalen, Germany. 
I have experiences in database programming due to an employment at IBM Germany last 
and a long running project for a web company related to a self developed middleware 
(Perl, C/C++ and Kylix driven) and PostgreSQL as a backend. 
Linux is my preferred platform for years.

Any ideas, suggestions or hints are appreciated.

  Bernd Helmle

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