
I have tried to post the following question in the general
malinglist, but haven't got any respons. I really hope
some pgsql-developer can help.
Btw. this is my first mail to this list, so please bear
with me.

I'm a computer science student doing a thesis on paging
algorithms, both from a theoretical and practical viewpoint.
I'm currently looking for some standard way of testing the
performance of paging alogrithms. But I haven't been able
to find any paging benchmarks anywhere (both in the
literature and on the web).

I would therefore like to know if the developers of
postgresql are doing any kind of paging benchmarks? And in
case they do, I would like to see them.
Or there might be someone who has a good idea how to
produce "real-life" sequences of requests, that I might
test the algorithms against.

Thanks in advance,

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