Hackers, users, pgCon attendees:

You want to give a lightning talk at pgCon!

Yes, you do.  The fun, the glory, the laughter, the everlasting fame!
These can all be yours.

Be one of the ten "brave and true" who put together five minutes about
PostgreSQL tools, experiences, forks, ideas, websites, or even
(especially) jokes.    Anything from "hacking wal files" to "the
PostgreSQL drinking game" is an acceptable topic for the lighting talks.
  A short schedule:

- Right Now: send your lightning talk idea to li...@pgcon.org.
  I'll need a title, speaker full name, speaker cell phone number,
  and brief (one sentence) description.
- This Friday: I'll get back to you with acceptance (or not)
- Friday, May 11th (or sooner) you get me your PDF slides for the talk.
- Thursday, May 17, 5:15 PM: meet Magnus Hagander in the plenary
  presentation room for your order of speaking.
- Thursday, May 17, 5:30PM to 6:30PM: you and 9 others deliver
  your talks

Fine print: Lightning talks are strictly five (5) minutes in length, and
speakers who run over will be cut off.  PDF slides or browser access
only, which will be presented on the conference laptop, so no demos,
animations, private network access, or installed software.  Lightning
talks are subject to pgCon's anti-discrimination policy.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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