Hello lists,
I am trying to run Slony on a Master Postgres 8.1.11 replicating to a Slave same version and 2nd Slave Postgres 8.3.4. The purpose is to update Postgres in production by steps, first slaves then switchover to upgrade the master that will not be master when upgraded. I am getting the following error: <stdin>:14: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR load '$libdir/xxid'; - ERROR: incompatible library "/usr/lib/pgsql/xxid.so": missing magic block HINT: Extension libraries are required to use the PG_MODULE_MAGIC macro. <stdin>:14: Error: the extension for the xxid data type cannot be loaded in database 'dbname=hdap host= port=6543 user=myuser password=mp' Is this mean that Slony can not replicate into a newer postgres version? If it does, then how do I fix this problem? Thanks for your help, Tony Fernandez