Seeing failure on 8.1 as well.

BTW, I keep forwarding these, but is there any need? Are enough hackers on the 
status change lists anyway?


-----Original Message-----
From: "PG Build Farm"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 18/03/06 02:13:19
Subject: PGBuildfarm member snake Branch HEAD Status changed from OK to Check 

The PGBuildfarm member snake had the following event on branch HEAD:

Status changed from OK to Check failure

The snapshot timestamp for the build that triggered this notification is: 
2006-03-18 02:00:00

The specs of this machine are:
OS:  Windows / Server 2003 SP1
Arch: i686
Comp: gcc / 3.4.2

For more information, see

--- Begin Message ---
The PGBuildfarm member snake had the following event on branch HEAD:

Status changed from OK to Check failure

The snapshot timestamp for the build that triggered this notification is: 
2006-03-18 02:00:00

The specs of this machine are:
OS:  Windows / Server 2003 SP1
Arch: i686
Comp: gcc / 3.4.2

For more information, see

--- End Message ---
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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