On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 12:12 +0200, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> CREATE TABLE foo (bar tsvector);
> INSERT INTO foo SELECT to_tsvector('foo' || a) FROM generate_series(1,
> 20) a;
> CREATE INDEX foogin ON foo USING gin (bar);
> The CREATE INDEX step takes about 40 seconds on my laptop, which
The issue is that the GIN index build code accumulates the lexemes into
a binary tree, but there's nothing to keep the tree balanced. My test
case with almost monotonically increasing keys, happens to be a
worst-case scenario, and the tree degenerates into almost linked list
that every insertio
While playing around with the "GIN fast insert" patch, I was puzzled why
building a GIN index seemed to take so long. The test case I use was simply:
CREATE TABLE foo (bar tsvector);
INSERT INTO foo SELECT to_tsvector('foo' || a) FROM generate_series(1,
20) a;