I think there's a call to pgstat_count_index_scan missing in GIN.
Currently, the idx_scan column of pg_stat_*_indexes is stuck at zero
for GIN indexes.
Patch attached.
Index: src/backend/access/gin/ginscan.c
Simon Riggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [2. text/x-patch; restartableRecovery.patch]
Hmm, wouldn't you have to reboot the resource managers at each
checkpoint? I'm afraid otherwise things like postponed page splits
could get lost on restart from a later checkpoint.
Sergey E. Koposov schrob:
> I submit the new version of my patch (against the CVS tip), correcting the
> problem with \edit (pointed by Andreas). So now everything works fine.
I think there's a pgflush_history() call missing somewhere, since the
buffer isn't flushed on a control-c. The fresh que
Bruce Momjian writes:
> Where are we on this patch? Was it submitted? Applied? Just an
> idea?
| This has been saved for the 8.2 release:
| http://momjian.postgresql.org/cgi-bin/pgpatches_hold
I tested it with 8.1RC1 and noticed the inconsistency with the \edit
command. I guess one w
Sergey E. Koposov writes:
> I'm proposing the small patch for the TODO item -- Improve psql's handling
> of multi-line queries. With this patch the multi-line queries are saved
> by readline as whole and not line by line.
I like it already!
> This is my first patch for Postgres but it seems to
I haven't found anything about saveponds in the release notes, so I
guess this is a typo :-)
Index: doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.151
Bruce Momjian schrob:
> I noticed your documentation example had a space before :DBNAME --- I
> removed the space.
This space is necessary for proper expansion of the parameter. The
\set-Command concatenates all its arguments after expansion:
--8<---cut here---start--
the following patch makes the filename used to store the readline
history customizable through a variable named HISTFILE, analogous to
psql's already implemented HISTCONTROL and HISTSIZE variables, and
bash's HISTFILE-Variable.
The motivation was to be able to get psql to maintain separate
I just stumbled across a strange looking sentence in the psql
reference. I'm not sure if I fixed it correctly, since English isn't
my native language. Patch attached.
Index: psql-ref.sgml
RCS file: /projects/