
While playing around, I got the following error message:

FATAL: pre-existing shared memory block (key 5432001, ID 90898435) is still in use
HINT: If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the shared memory block with the command "ipcrm", or just delete the file "/home/hlinnaka/pgsql/data/postmaster.pid".

Thats normal because I used "kill -9 postmaster" to shut down.

The hint advises me to use "ipcrm", but there's the "ipcclean" script in bin for just this purpose. The hint should probably advise to use ipcclean.

The attached patch replaces all occurances of "ipcrm" with "ipcclean" in src/backend/utils/init/miscinit.c and all the translations in src/backend/po.

While reviewing the patch, I noticed a likely typo in hr.po. While I don't speak Croatian, the translation seems to advise to use the "icpm(1)" command. I changed that to "ipcclean" too.

- Heikki
Index: backend/po/af.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/af.po,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 af.po
*** backend/po/af.po    6 Aug 2004 04:15:08 -0000       1.2
--- backend/po/af.po    3 Jan 2005 20:40:36 -0000
*** 8494,8500 ****
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:583
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:600
--- 8494,8500 ----
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:583
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:600
Index: backend/po/de.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/de.po,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -c -r1.17 de.po
*** backend/po/de.po    12 Dec 2004 18:09:11 -0000      1.17
--- backend/po/de.po    3 Jan 2005 20:40:48 -0000
*** 3143,3153 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"
  msgstr ""
  "Wenn Sie sich sicher sind, dass kein alter Serverprozess mehr luft, "
! "entfernen Sie den Shared-Memory-Block mit dem Befehl ipcrm oder lschen "
  "Sie einfach die Datei %s."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
--- 3143,3153 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  "Wenn Sie sich sicher sind, dass kein alter Serverprozess mehr luft, "
! "entfernen Sie den Shared-Memory-Block mit dem Befehl ipcclean oder lschen 
  "Sie einfach die Datei %s."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
Index: backend/po/es.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/es.po,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7 es.po
*** backend/po/es.po    11 Dec 2004 19:03:43 -0000      1.7
--- backend/po/es.po    3 Jan 2005 20:40:58 -0000
*** 3567,3577 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"
  msgstr ""
  "Si est seguro que no hay procesos de servidor antiguos an en ejecucin, "
! "elimine el bloque de memoria compartida con la instruccin ipcrm, o "
  "simplemente borre el archivo %s."
--- 3567,3577 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  "Si est seguro que no hay procesos de servidor antiguos an en ejecucin, "
! "elimine el bloque de memoria compartida con la instruccin ipcclean, o "
  "simplemente borre el archivo %s."
Index: backend/po/fr.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/fr.po,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 fr.po
*** backend/po/fr.po    13 Dec 2004 21:49:07 -0000      1.6
--- backend/po/fr.po    3 Jan 2005 20:41:04 -0000
*** 9072,9080 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"
! msgstr "Si vous tes sr qu'aucun vieux processus serveur n'est toujours 
lanc, supprimez le bloc de mmoire partage avec la commande ipcrm ou 
supprimez simplement le fichier %s."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
  #, c-format
--- 9072,9080 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
! msgstr "Si vous tes sr qu'aucun vieux processus serveur n'est toujours 
lanc, supprimez le bloc de mmoire partage avec la commande ipcclean ou 
supprimez simplement le fichier %s."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
  #, c-format
Index: backend/po/hr.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/hr.po,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -c -r1.4 hr.po
*** backend/po/hr.po    29 Nov 2003 19:51:53 -0000      1.4
--- backend/po/hr.po    3 Jan 2005 20:41:10 -0000
*** 7911,7920 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old backends still running, remove the shared "
! "memory block with ipcrm(1), or just delete \"%s\"."
  msgstr ""
  "Ako ste sigurni da drugi 'backend' procesi nisu pokrenuti, uklonite blok "
! "dijeljene memorije sa icpm(1), ili jednostavno obrišite  \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:549
  #, c-format
--- 7911,7920 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old backends still running, remove the shared "
! "memory block with ipcclean, or just delete \"%s\"."
  msgstr ""
  "Ako ste sigurni da drugi 'backend' procesi nisu pokrenuti, uklonite blok "
! "dijeljene memorije sa ipcclean, ili jednostavno obrišite  \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:549
  #, c-format
Index: backend/po/it.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/it.po,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 it.po
*** backend/po/it.po    14 Sep 2004 05:44:40 -0000      1.2
--- backend/po/it.po    3 Jan 2005 20:41:21 -0000
*** 9461,9467 ****
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:582
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:599
--- 9461,9467 ----
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:582
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:599
Index: backend/po/ko.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/ko.po,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 ko.po
*** backend/po/ko.po    15 Dec 2004 17:14:11 -0000      1.2
--- backend/po/ko.po    3 Jan 2005 20:41:27 -0000
*** 9077,9085 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"
! msgstr "만일 옛 버전의 서버 프로세스가 여전히 
실행중이라면, 먼저 \"ipcrm\" 프로그램을 이용해서 공유 
메모리 영역을 삭제하거나, \"%s\" 파일을 삭제하고 다시 
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
  #, c-format
--- 9077,9085 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
! msgstr "만일 옛 버전의 서버 프로세스가 여전히 
실행중이라면, 먼저 \"ipcclean\" 프로그램을 이용해서 공유 
메모리 영역을 삭제하거나, \"%s\" 파일을 삭제하고 다시 
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
  #, c-format
Index: backend/po/nb.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/nb.po,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -c -r1.3 nb.po
*** backend/po/nb.po    1 Jan 2005 22:14:28 -0000       1.3
--- backend/po/nb.po    3 Jan 2005 20:41:32 -0000
*** 7790,7796 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"
  msgstr ""
--- 7790,7796 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
Index: backend/po/pt_BR.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/pt_BR.po,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 pt_BR.po
*** backend/po/pt_BR.po 11 Dec 2004 19:43:44 -0000      1.6
--- backend/po/pt_BR.po 3 Jan 2005 20:41:38 -0000
*** 3107,3117 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"
  msgstr ""
  "Se voc tem certeza que no h processos servidor antigos sendo executados, "
! "remova o bloco de memria compartilhada com o comando \"ipcrm\", ou apague o 
  "arquivo \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
--- 3107,3117 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  "Se voc tem certeza que no h processos servidor antigos sendo executados, "
! "remova o bloco de memria compartilhada com o comando \"ipcclean\", ou 
apague o "
  "arquivo \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
Index: backend/po/ru.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/ru.po,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -c -r1.29 ru.po
*** backend/po/ru.po    11 Dec 2004 20:09:56 -0000      1.29
--- backend/po/ru.po    3 Jan 2005 20:41:43 -0000
*** 8202,8208 ****
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:583
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:600
--- 8202,8208 ----
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:583
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:600
Index: backend/po/sk.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/sk.po,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -r1.1 sk.po
*** backend/po/sk.po    10 Aug 2004 19:10:21 -0000      1.1
--- backend/po/sk.po    3 Jan 2005 20:41:50 -0000
*** 9082,9092 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"
  msgstr ""
  "Ak mte istotu, e u nebeia star procesy servera, odstrte blok "
! "zdieanej pamti povelom \"ipcrm\" alebo iba odstrte sbor \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:599
  #, c-format
--- 9082,9092 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  "Ak mte istotu, e u nebeia star procesy servera, odstrte blok "
! "zdieanej pamti povelom \"ipcclean\" alebo iba odstrte sbor \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:599
  #, c-format
Index: backend/po/sl.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/sl.po,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -r1.1 sl.po
*** backend/po/sl.po    16 Dec 2004 11:31:51 -0000      1.1
--- backend/po/sl.po    3 Jan 2005 20:41:54 -0000
*** 8905,8911 ****
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:631
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
--- 8905,8911 ----
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:631
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
Index: backend/po/sv.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/sv.po,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -c -r1.25 sv.po
*** backend/po/sv.po    24 Oct 2004 14:55:04 -0000      1.25
--- backend/po/sv.po    3 Jan 2005 20:42:00 -0000
*** 9111,9121 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"
  msgstr ""
  "Om du r sker p att ingen gammal serverprocess forfarande kr, s ta bort "
! "det delade minnesblocket med kommandot \"ipcrm\", eller radera helt enkelt "
  "filen \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
--- 9111,9121 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
  "Om du r sker p att ingen gammal serverprocess forfarande kr, s ta bort "
! "det delade minnesblocket med kommandot \"ipcclean\", eller radera helt 
enkelt "
  "filen \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
Index: backend/po/tr.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/tr.po,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7 tr.po
*** backend/po/tr.po    11 Dec 2004 20:19:10 -0000      1.7
--- backend/po/tr.po    3 Jan 2005 20:42:07 -0000
*** 9668,9675 ****
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:631
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file 
! msgstr "Eğer eski sunucunun sürecicinin çalımamasından emin iseniz, 
shared memory bloku \"ipcrm\" komutu ile kaldırın ya fa \"%s\" dosyasını 
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
  #, c-format
--- 9668,9675 ----
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:631
  #, c-format
! msgid "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove 
the shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
! msgstr "Eğer eski sunucunun sürecicinin çalımamasından emin iseniz, 
shared memory bloku \"ipcclean\" komutu ile kaldırın ya fa \"%s\" dosyasını 
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
  #, c-format
Index: backend/po/zh_CN.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/zh_CN.po,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -c -r1.9 zh_CN.po
*** backend/po/zh_CN.po 11 Dec 2004 19:08:56 -0000      1.9
--- backend/po/zh_CN.po 3 Jan 2005 20:42:13 -0000
*** 3014,3023 ****
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"
  msgstr ""
! "ȷûоɵķ,  \"ipcrm\" ɾڴ,ֻɾ"
  "ļ \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
--- 3014,3023 ----
  #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "
! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 
  msgstr ""
! "ȷûоɵķ,  \"ipcclean\" 
  "ļ \"%s\"."
  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648
Index: backend/po/zh_TW.po
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/po/zh_TW.po,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -c -r1.17 zh_TW.po
*** backend/po/zh_TW.po 13 Dec 2004 16:28:09 -0000      1.17
--- backend/po/zh_TW.po 3 Jan 2005 20:42:20 -0000
*** 11154,11162 ****
  #, c-format

  msgid ""

  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "

! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s"


! msgstr "如果您確定沒有舊伺服器的行程仍在運行,以 
\"ipcrm\" 命令移除共享記憶體區塊,或直接刪除 \"%s\" 檔案。"


  # utils/init/miscinit.c:648

  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648

--- 11154,11162 ----
  #, c-format

  msgid ""

  "If you're sure there are no old server processes still running, remove the "

! "shared memory block with the command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file 


! msgstr "如果您確定沒有舊伺服器的行程仍在運行,以 
\"ipcclean\" 命令移除共享記憶體區塊,或直接刪除 \"%s\" 


  # utils/init/miscinit.c:648

  #: utils/init/miscinit.c:648

Index: backend/utils/init/miscinit.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/init/miscinit.c,v
retrieving revision 1.137
diff -c -r1.137 miscinit.c
*** backend/utils/init/miscinit.c       31 Dec 2004 22:01:40 -0000      1.137
--- backend/utils/init/miscinit.c       3 Jan 2005 20:43:28 -0000
*** 631,637 ****
                                                           errhint("If you're 
sure there are no old "
processes still running, remove "
shared memory block with "
!                                                                          "the 
command \"ipcrm\", or just delete the file \"%s\".",
--- 631,637 ----
                                                           errhint("If you're 
sure there are no old "
processes still running, remove "
shared memory block with "
!                                                                          "the 
command \"ipcclean\", or just delete the file \"%s\".",
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


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