> Anyone know of a pg_stats howto? I'd appreciate any direction.
Let me know if you find one! :)
It isn't a HOWTO, but I have collected some notes regarding the
performance views in a document -
- see the chapter on PostgreSQL. H
Anyone know of a pg_stats howto? I'd appreciate any direction.
---(end of broadcast)---
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Harald Armin Massa wrote:
> Heikki,
>> > PostgreSQL on Windows. My current rule of thumb on Windows: set
>> > shared_buffers to minimum * 2
>> > Adjust effective_cache_size to the number given as "system cache"
>> > within the task manager.
>> Why?
> I tried with shared_buffers = 50% of
> PostgreSQL on Windows. My current rule of thumb on Windows: set
> shared_buffers to minimum * 2
> Adjust effective_cache_size to the number given as "system cache"
> within the task manager.
I tried with shared_buffers = 50% of available memory, and with 30% of
available memor
Harald Armin Massa wrote:
A common rule of thumb people quote here is to set shared_buffers to 1/4
of available RAM, and leave the rest for OS cache. That's probably a
good configuration to start with.
And just for the record: This rule of thumb does NOT apply to
PostgreSQL on Windows. My curre
A common rule of thumb people quote here is to set shared_buffers to 1/4
of available RAM, and leave the rest for OS cache. That's probably a
good configuration to start with.
And just for the record: This rule of thumb does NOT apply to
PostgreSQL on Windows. My current rule of thumb on Window