Hi everyone,

I am running a test with 1 thread calling a stored
procedure in an endless loop. The stored procedure
inserts 1000 records in a table that does not have
indexes or constraints.
In the log file I see that the time to execute the
procedure sometimes it jumps from 100 ms to 700 ms.
The auto-vacuum is turned off.
Can anyone give me some details about this?

Thanks a lot,

17221%2008-04-01 09:22:53 ESTLOG:  statement: select *
from testinsert(100001001,1000)
17221%2008-04-01 09:22:53 ESTLOG:  duration: 111.654
17223%2008-04-01 09:22:53 ESTLOG:  statement: select *
from testinsert(100001001,1000)
17223%2008-04-01 09:22:54 ESTLOG:  duration: 710.426

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