Given a view like:

create view view1 as
select as UserGroupId, s.uid as UserId, s.time as StartTime from stats s join groups g on g.uid = s.uid

and a SELECT like:

select a.UserGroupId,b.UserGroupId from view1 a
full outer join view1 b on b.UserGroupId = a.UserGroupId
WHERE a.StartTime >= '2006-1-1' AND a.StartTime < '2007-1-1'
  AND b.StartTime >= '2005-1-1' AND b.StartTime < '2006-1-1';

where there are 5695 rows in 2006 and 1 row in 2005, I expected to get a result set of 5695 rows, but instead got only 1 row (the common row in the 2 years).  This seems contrary to the definition of "full outer join".  Am I missing something?

Brian Cox

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