> Hi,
>I have a varchar column, and I need to
>1) check the value in it is an integer
>2) get the integer value (as integer)
>The problem is I can't suppose the're only correct
>values - ie there can be something like 'xss
am Wed, dem 02.02.2005, um 9:33:22 -0600 mailte Bradley Miller folgendes:
> Is there a way to dump everything in a particular schema?
man pg_dump, search for --schema
Regards, Andreas
Diese Message wurde erstellt mit freundlicher Unterstützung eines freilau-
fenden Pinguins aus artg
I have a table with this columns: machine, date and area.
Now i need a view with machine an week, calculated from date, and
sum(area), where date between CURRENT_DATE and now+N days.
Okay, this is not the problem, it works fine.
(the original table and the view is more complex)
The problem
am Tue, dem 04.01.2005, um 21:13:46 -0800 mailte [EMAIL PROTECTED] folgendes:
> Hi,
> I have function called test1() in database 1. I need to input the value
> from this function into another table which is in database2.
> How can i achieve this task in plpgsql. I went through some documenta
am Sun, dem 02.01.2005, um 17:19:23 +0100 mailte Karel Zak folgendes:
> > You could write a function to format the interval. For example,
> > with PL/pgSQL you could use EXTRACT(epoch FROM interval_value) to
> > convert the interval to a number of seconds; convert that to hours,
> > minutes, and
am Sun, dem 19.12.2004, um 11:38:40 +0100 mailte Kretschmer Andreas folgendes:
> Now, I need the area, but 'select area(koerper) from geo where id=1;'
> fails. If I do 'select area(box(koerper)) from geo where id=1;' it
> works, but this isn't the right ans
I have a table with a polygon - typ. There I stored, for instance this
test_db=# select * from geo where id = 1;
id | koerper
1 | ((0,0),(0,2),(2,2),(3,3),(5,0))
(1 Zeile)
Now, I need the area, but 'select area(koerper) from
am Sat, dem 18.12.2004, um 12:54:33 -0500 mailte Henry Molina folgendes:
> Hi all,
> Can I revoke "delete" on all database, something like this:
on all databases, or on all tables in one database?
IMHO no, but you can walk through all database
am Sat, dem 04.12.2004, um 12:38:11 - mailte Andrew - Supernews folgendes:
Thank you for the very good explanation.
> Notice I haven't used either IN or UNION. Using IN in place of a join is
> unwise (even though recent versions can sometimes plan it as though it were
> a join); using UNION
am Sat, dem 27.11.2004, um 12:55:40 -0500 mailte Keith Worthington folgendes:
> Hi All,
> I have two tables in different schemas. The first table in the data_transfer
> schema is loaded with a COPY command. I need to transfer the data to the
> second schema inserting new records and updating
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