[SQL] connectby

2003-10-27 Thread sector119
10~16 9 | 4 | 2 | 2~4~9 How am I able to select description file from menu table, not only id, parent_id, level, branch fields? -- WBR, sector119 ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, plea

Re: [SQL] sort by relevance

2003-01-15 Thread sector119
Use OpenFTS (openfts.sourceforge.net) for relevance ranking. Am I able to use OpenFTS if I save data at db or only if I use txt files?? > we might add relevance feature to tsearch though. It would be great to add this feature to tsearch! I need it so much! Wheh we will be able to see this featu

[SQL] sort by relevance

2003-01-15 Thread sector119
HI, PPL! How am I able to sort query results by relevance? I use contrib/tsearch to search using fill text index! -- WBR, sector119 msg09000/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature