Delete from partitur where userid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT ON (userid)
userid, val, ts FROM partitur)
"Haller Christoph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This may look familiar to you - it was on the list last month.
> Consider
DELETE FROM partitur WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM partitur AS ss_partitur
WHERE ss_partitur.userid=partitur.userid AND ss_partitur.ts>partitur.ts);
Seems like it should seems like it should delete all old values (however I
have not tested it)
- Stuart
> -Original Message-
> From: Haller Ch
This may look familiar to you - it was on the list last month.
Consider the following table
create table partitur
(userid text, val integer, ts timestamp DEFAULT NOW() );
Do some inserts
insert into partitur values('Bart', 1440);
insert into partitur values('Lisa', 1024);
insert into partitur