On Thursday 13 Feb 2003 4:21 pm, Mintoo Lall wrote:
> Hi Everybody ,
> Is there a way in postgresql by which I can generate serial number column
> for the resultset. I wanted the resulset to look like below
> sno             Name
> -------------------
> 1                JOE
> 2                JOHN
> 3                MARY
> 4                LISA
> 5                ANN
> 6                BILL
> 7                JACK
> 8                WILL
> 9                GEORGE
> 10              NANCY
> 11               JANE
>  .                    .
>  .                    .
>  .                    .
> My query is basically select * name from tblcontact. I wanted to generate
> the column "sno" which basically numbers each row returned. Any help is
> appreciated.
> Regards,
> Tarun

create sequence myseq;
select nextval('myseq'), name from tblcontact;
drop sequence myseq;

There may well be a way to do it without the sequence, bit I can't think of 


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