I'm interested in finding the minimim A.id such that the following holds:

select A.charge
    , B.user_id
    , C.employee_id
from A
inner join B using (user_id)
inner join C using (employee_id)


select X.charge
    , Y.user_id
    , Z.employee_id
from X
inner join Y using (user_id)
inner join Z using (employee_id)


I can't do the following, since the number of selected columns have to match: 

select A.id 
    , A.charge
    , B.user_id
    , C.employee_id
from A
inner join B using (user_id)
inner join C using (employee_id)


select X.charge
    , Y.user_id
    , Z.employee_id
from X
inner join Y using (user_id)
inner join Z using (employee_id)

Can someone help me with the query?

Thanks in advance.

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