This query worked under 7.0.3 but yields an error under 7.1RC1 or RC2.

The error message is:
psql:outbug.sql:43: ERROR:  Sub-SELECT uses un-GROUPed attribute h.ordnum from outer query

Tom, you patched util/clauses.c (near line 540) a while back to prevent the same error message on a different query.  This may be related.

The SQL is a little strange because the subquery tries to reference individual records from the outer query and then sum them.
The more I look at it, I wonder if it is not just bad SQL. But the last one I found like this turned out to reveal a bug, so here it is:

drop table ord_hdr;
drop table cinv_hdr;
drop table cinv_items;
drop table inc_link;

create table ord_hdr (
    ordnum      int4,
    proj        int4

create table cinv_hdr (
    ordnum      int4,
    hinum       int4,
    status      varchar

create table cinv_items (
    ordnum      int4,
    hinum       int4,
    quant       int4,
    unit_price  numeric(12,2)

create table inc_link (
    ordnum      int4,
    hinum       int4,
    amount      numeric(12,2)

select sum(i.quant*i.unit_price::float8),
   (select coalesce(sum(amount),0) from inc_link where ordnum = h.ordnum and hinum = h.hinum)

    from cinv_hdr h, cinv_items i, ord_hdr o where

    o.ordnum = h.ordnum and
    h.ordnum = i.ordnum and
    h.hinum = i.hinum and

    o.proj = 1051 and
    h.status = 'open'

org:Action Target Inc.
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fn:Kyle Bateman

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