Does anyone know how I could check to ensure circular references are no created in my 2 table heirachy structure?

Here are the tables

albums              album_relations
+------------+     +-----------------+
| album_id   |     | parent_album_id |
| title      |     | child_album_id  |
+------------+     +-----------------+

This structure allows an album to have multiple parents.
I have written a recursive function (on a PHP class) which creates an XML tree structure based on a 2D array result set**. It has a depth checker so you can set the limit of recursion.

This is all well and good, but I want to create a PLPG/SQL trigger on the album_relations table to ensure that I won't have to throw the "depth limit exceeded" exception due to circular references.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

** 2D array result set is built from
SELECT a.*,r.parent_album_id
FROM album_relations r
    RIGHT JOIN albums a
        ON a.album_id = r.child_album_id

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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