Confusing and hard to read '
Instead, with prepared is something like 'INSERT INTO table
VALUES ($1,$2)'
* No need to filter data ( even more readable code )
* Ability to name the SQL so you can use it later by name ( for comodity
nding the prepared statement isn't good for performance, but
> it does solve your security issue.
> Phil
Thanks for the info, yes it can be done via execute manually, just that I
was suggesting to have proper code for handling it.
Furthermore, as per the way prepared
I've installed and tested PostgresV2 under pharo with the following doits
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'PharoExtras' project: 'PostgresV2';
(#ConfigurationOfPostgresV2 asClass project version: '2.4') load
While it works good, it is missing a very important featu
Currently, there are issues with latest stable seaside and pharo, which
been talked before but seems not getting much attention, and some of them
are important, so I want to do a little summary here.
First of all, I have to say that I am new on smalltalk, pharo and seaside,
and started by