Hi all,

With Santi we wanted to share a new release of TaskIt, a concurrency management library for Pharo. TaskIt development is done entirely in github, using iceberg. Works like a charm. Please find below attached the changes log with more information.

Guille & Santi



TaskIt is a library that ease Process usage in Pharo. It provides abstractions to execute and synchronize concurrent tasks, and several pre-built mechanisms that are useful for many application developers. This chapter explores starts by familiarizing the reader with TaskIt's abstractions, guided by examples and code snippets. At the end, we discuss TaskIt extension points and possible customizations.

 ChangesLog TaskIt v0.2

   Major Features

 * Task Runners
     o NewProcessTaskRunner
     o LocalProcessTaskRunner
     o Worker
     o WorkerPool
 * Futures with callbacks
 * Future combinators
 * Future synchronous access
 * Services


 * Travis CIhttps://travis-ci.org/sbragagnolo/taskit
 * Documentationhttps://github.com/sbragagnolo/taskit/blob/master/README.md

   Minor changes log (from commits)

 * Enhanced class comments
 * TKTWorker processes are terminated in case the worker is collected.
   See Issues#8 <https://github.com/sbragagnolo/taskit/issues/8>and#5
 * Process Dashboard. - Adds TKTTaskItProcessProvider by default with
   the extension package - Hides job and task fields since there are
   not reachable any more.

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