Dear Smalltalkers,
i just posted a project on elance:
It's a small project but maybe it's of interest for someone here. Or
maybe someone likes to support this in order to push another
real-world application based on Pharo/ Seaside.
Job description below.

this is the job description:
Looking for a Smalltalk-Developer who can
- migrate my Seaside/ Magritte WebApp to from Pharo 1.4 to Pharo 3.0
(maybe Pharo 4.0?) and the newest Version of the Seaside-Framework.
- refactor persistence (currently: image-based + Object-Serialization
to filesystem)
- refactor magritte (get rid of it or do it right)

Projects that may follow would be:
- pimp the UI (maybe we could slim-down the seaside-part and use
Amber) / make it look fresh/ cool/ sexy
- migrate to Gemstone/S
- refactor/ enhance usermanagement/ authentication

The application is small - only a handful of entity Objects and some CRUD-Stuff.
It's a system to manage volunteers with a few clients (but more to
come) so it needs to get stabilized (and i'm also looking for some
kind of co-founder so i can distribute it more active.

The scope of Phase 1 needs to be discussed and refined

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