-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         Re: Call about Numerical Methods in Pharo :)
Date :  Wed, 02 Mar 2016 22:58:37 +0100
De :    Souissi Sami <sami.soui...@univ-lille1.fr>
Pour :  stepharo <steph...@free.fr>
Copie à : Pharo Development List <pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org>, Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-us...@lists.pharo.org>, Didier Besset <did...@ieee.org>

Dear Stéphane, dear all
Many thanks Stéphane for this excellent initiative,
Although I am a 'new' memer in pharo 'world' but I will be interested to see how can we enrich numerically the tool and hope that we can be able to have more generators for probability distributions (random numbers, Gamma, Log-Normal, etc) as well as some algorithms used to generale different random walks that can be used in several agent-based models (fractal; multifractal, Lévy etc) I have also good experience with time-series analysis and other approaches (Bayesian),
Happy to see that Serge started such development,
Looking to have more interactions on these numerical issues and looking to meet you in the near future
Best wishes

Sami Souissi,
Université Lille Sciences & Technologies

Le Mercredi 2 Mars 2016 14:33 CET, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> a écrit:
Hi guys

I met Didier Besset and we had a great hacking session and discussions
with Serge Stinckwich.
Didier would like to help Pharo and the numerical part of it. ***Big
thanks*** Didier.

We would like to do several things:

- Work on "Hows to"
The numerical methods in Pharo is good but the gap between us and
the math is too large :)
so the idea is to have a series of "how to ..."
- histomgram (simple, based on distribution)

- Improve the SciPharo/NumPha (previously SciSmalltalk) library
This morning we started to implement a
ComponentPrincipalDecomposition by combining two of the
objects available in SciPharo.
Then we started to enhance the distributions to make sure that
we can plug other distribution for having
controlled random number.

- Do a public call to know what is missing for you: this is this
mail :)
Didier would like to work on concrete cases. I love that attitude
So tell us :)

Hernan ??
Alex: ?? pvalue? better distribution?
Vincent: covariance? CPA?
Philippe: times series
Serge R frames?
Sami: Better random number and various distributions?

- Organise a two day lectures with practices on concrete case in
September with a recording session.
Either at IRD Bondy or Lille.

- Make sure that the Numerical Method book will get on lulu :) with
a better cover and title :)


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