In case 16962 [1] the question was raised why after a successful CI
validation you later get a failed validation.  I experience this
sometimes and guess others might interested in this too.

If multi-threads are involved, sometimes the failure indicates a real
problem due to a race condition that only occurs sometimes.  Here you
will see lots of tests passing and then a problem on a particular one.
In this case I find running the suspect test or class from playground
wrapped in a 1000 loop can expose the problem for debugging.

In the case of 16962 [1], looking at a report for success [2] you can
see "CIChangeCaseValidationRule" is followed by "Loading CASE 16962"
and then a long listing of tests run, and only at the end the
validation report.  However the report for failure [3] shows
CIChangeCaseValidationRule immediately followed by the validation
report.  So I wonder if that means the slice did not load - maybe due
to some network error or smalltalkhub error.

Now thats idle speculation, but maybe useful to consider if you
encounter such a scenario.

cheers -ben

2015-11-28 3:56 AM SUCCESS [2]
Starting validation of CASE 16962
Notice: Running a CIAndRule
Notice: Running a CIChangeCaseValidationRule
Notice: Loading CASE 16962
[...cut many,many lines of test cases...]
Validation Report: CASE 16962
Validation Success: CASE 16962

2015-11-26 10:29 PM FAILURE [3]
Starting validation of CASE 16962
Notice: Running a CIAndRule
Notice: Running a CIChangeCaseValidationRule
Validation Report: CASE 16962
Validation Errors: a CIChangeCaseValidationRule: Timeout (after 0:01:40:00)


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