
This is because you exported all your settings previously and in the
meantime, this particular setter has changed to cacheDirectory:. This is a
systematic problem with the current setting mechanism and we will have to
deal with it after the Pharo 4 release. To circumvent the problem for now,
I have added a backward compatible customDirectory: setter.

It is available in the latest GT-Playground and will be integrated in Pharo

Name: GT-Playground-TudorGirba.110
Author: TudorGirba
Time: 11 April 2015, 2:18:59.123037 pm
UUID: 58b68605-0af7-4854-be65-b3cda2385cef
Ancestors: GT-Playground-TudorGirba.109

introduced customDirectory: for backward compatibility


On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Ferlicot D. Cyril <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi !
> I use Pharo Launcher and each time I open a new Pharo 4 image, this image
> load my Pharo 4 settings. But since the version 40601 when Pharo load the
> settings i've an error: "MessageNotUnderstood: GTPlayBook class>>
> customDirectory:".
> If others have the same problem i'll open a bug repport.


"Every thing has its own flow"

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