I am using *SystemWindow* to open a Morph in my application *searchQuick*.
( https://github.com/jig08/sQuick_new )
On clicking a button, a new screen opens up but the prev window fails to
close, though I have tried using #close methods.

The code snippets are as:

*. . . . . .*
*      boxWindow := SystemWindow new.*
*      box position: 150@0.*
*      boxWindow addMorph: box.*
*      boxWindow extent: World extent.*
*      boxWindow openInWindowLabeled: 'searchQuick'.*
*      boxWindow fullscreen.*
*      boxWindow color: Color black.*
*. . . . . . .*

browseBtn on: #click send: #value to: [self boxWindow window close.
IndexInterface delete. BrowseFiles open].

* box isNil ifFalse: [  self boxWindow window close. *
*                                         self boxWindow window delete . *
*                                         self boxWindow close. *
*                                         box window close .*
*                                         self boxWindow delete. *
*                                         box delete.].*
* box := nil.*
* self boxWindow window close. *
* self boxWindow window delete .*
* self boxWindow close. *
* self boxWindow delete.*
* boxWindow := nil.*


Help appreciated.


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