Hi all,

I don't post to lists often, but I thought some of you might be
interested in these few lines of code that crash the CogVM on both
Linux and Windows.  File-in the Smalltalk code below, then evaluate
[nil crashCogVM].  The code uses [1-1] but it could use [1+1] or
[56+98].  I put the code on nil, but that is not important either.  I
think the important thing is that the primitive (+ or -) is evaluated
but the result is not assigned into any variable.  Also important is
that the code is put into a loop that I assume has been JIT optimized.
The image I used is Pharo 1.4 one-click with latest update #14459.
This code does not crash StackVM. Have fun! - Jon.

!UndefinedObject methodsFor: 'crash' stamp: 'JonKAnderson 11/29/2012 17:26'!
        " Evaluate [
                nil crashCogVM ]"

        | i |
        i := 20.
        1 to: i do: [:d | 1-1 ]
! !

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